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Energinet is expected to carry out seabed surveys between Denmark and Sweden in June and July. The surveys will be carried out by the vessels RAMBUNCTIONS, LILI and DEEP SEAPAL. The vessels LILI and DEEP SEAPAL will be towing equipment.

The survey will take place within the below mentioned positions:

1) 56° 05.400'N - 012° 30.200'E

2) 56° 05.610'N - 012° 28.320'E

3) 56° 07.200'N - 012° 31.760'E

4) 56° 06.771'N - 012° 32.779'E

5) 56° 05.740'N - 012° 30.420'E


Fishermens Information on Offshore Activities 
Trafikhavnskaj 19
DK-6700 Esbjerg

Phone: +45 75 45 11 44
Mail: fish.infofogadk
Web: www.foga.dk

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